How To Undo Sent e-Mail In Gmail

How To Undo Sent Mail In Gmail | Undo Sent Gmail - techinfoBiT

Sometimes we wish to take back the email we just sent out. It commonly happens when you accidentally clicked the “Send” button, sent the incomplete email to someone etc.

There are different methods for different email services in this post I am going to share the solution for Gmail. Here is a beautiful solution for Gmail known as “Undo Send“. Originally listed in Gmail Labs back in 2009, it allows you to quickly undo the sent email.

How To Undo Sent Mail in Gmail

After enabling the Undo Send, once you have sent the email there will be a tiny message asking to Undo the sent email.

How to Enable Undo Send on Gmail

  • To enable the Undo Send on Gmail feature, click on the gear icon to go to the Mail Settings.
  • Go to “Labs” and in the search box, type “Undo Send” the feature will filter out.
  • Click on Enable and save changes.

Remember you have only five 5-10 seconds of time to undo any sent email, it means you have to be very quick.


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