Windows 8 About To Release Final Try Version In June | The Final Version Will Released In October

Windows 8 about to release final try version in June and the final version will released in October-techinfoBiT
Image Source: WindowsCentral

Microsoft the creator of Windows operating system and Windows ecosystem will let you try the pre-release version of Windows 8 from the first week of June. So if you are also excited about the upcoming operating system of Windows and don’t want to wait for it then you will be able to try the pre-release version of Windows 8 even before its official release.

The Windows 8 “Release Preview” presumably takes the place of Release Candidates that Microsoft has offered for previous versions of Windows. The “Release Preview” is different from the Consumer Preview,  this pre-release version of Windows will have almost all the features that are going to be the part of the final commercial release. However, it will still have some bug which is yet to be fixed.

You don’t have to pay for the preview version of Windows Release Preview versions of Windows 8 it will be available for free till its commercial release, but unfortunately, it will be disabled by the Microsoft once they launch the final version of Windows 8 so you should definitely not install it on your primary machine because this is not going to last forever.

Windows 8 is expected to be the major update for the Microsoft’s PCs and Windows environment, in which the traditional desktop takes the backseat to a new “Metro” interface. This upcoming version of Windows will be more tablets and touch screens friendly and it will allow users to download and run full-screen touch-friendly apps.

There is no any official release date of Microsoft Windows 8 but rumors have hinted at an October launch.


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