Recently, Facebook added video autoplay feature which isn’t a unique feature, we have seen video autoplay thing on Instagram. There might be some users who like this feature but as I know most of the users aren’t liking Facebook video autoplay feature. There are two considerable reasons for not liking these features.
a) It will eat your Internet data to load those videos. So for those who have limited data connection, it is really frustrating.
b) Personally, I felt initially, It is really irritating while you scrolling timeline and seeing these autoplay videos. It’s like being distracted from actual updates. Yesterday someone asked me do we have an option to disable this video autoplay thing, it’s like torture for me he added 🙂
Thankfully, we have options to control this as default, off or on, thanks to Facebook for that but they should have introduced this as an option, not as enabled by default.
So by default video autoplay will be enabled until you disable this manual.
In this small post, I’ll guide you to disable Facebook video autoplay. Please follow the following steps and refer the screenshots for better understanding.
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on down arrow >>> click on setting.
3. Look for video and click on same to open video setting.
4. On the next window, you will have two settings.
i) Video default quality – to choose the default quality of video to load.
ii) AutoPlay Videos – To enable/disable video autoplay.
5. Go-to “Autoplay Videos” click on default and select “Off” from the drop-down.
Remember u can enable or disable this option anytime and if u are also using the Facebook app for smartphones you need to this in the app also follow app instructions below.
How to disable Facebook video autoplay on the Facebook mobile app.
1. Open and login to Facebook app on your device.
2. Tap on options icon or slide right end to open app options.
3. Scroll down till help and setting section >>> Tap on App Settings.
4. On setting page, there is an option “video play automatically”. A pop-up window will appear. On the pop-up window, you will have three options On, WiFi only and Off.
5. Tap on “Off” to turn off the video autoplay.