Bad News for Huawei, Google Reportedly Suspended Huawei’s Android License

Bad News for Huawei, Google Reportedly Suspended Huawei’s Android License-Blacklisted-Entity List-techinfoBiT

This could be really bad news for the Huawei and its users. Google reportedly suspended Huawei’s Android License with immediate effect. Alphabet Inc the company that owns the Google Android has suspended business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware and software products except those covered by open source licenses. The action of Alphabet Inc will impact the Huawei devices across the globe.

President of United States Donald Trump issued an executive order last week banning “foreign adversaries” from doing telecommunication business in the US. According to a report published by Reuters Google has “suspended” business with Huawei, and the company will be locked out of Google’s Android ecosystem. Huawei and its sub-brand Honor is selling Android Smartphones in more than 170 countries.

The Chinese tech company and one of the top mobile phone manufacturer in the world Huawei been added to the “Entity List” from Friday that prevents it from buying parts or technology from US suppliers without government approval as its equipment is considered potential tools for Chinese espionage by the US government.

According to the international news agency Reuters, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd will immediately lose access to updates to the Android operating system, and the next version of its smartphones outside of China will also lose access to popular applications and services including the Google Play Store and Gmail app. Huawei will continue to have access to the version of the Android operating system available through the open source license that is freely open to anyone who wishes to use it. But Google will stop providing any technical support and collaboration for Android and Google services to Huawei going forward, the source said.

The license suspension effectively immediately mean that Huawei mobile phones will not get further Android updates for any of its devices. Huawei smartphones including the recently launched P30 and P30 Pro, Mate 20 Pro, and many other Huawei mobile phones running the Android will not have access to the Google Play Store and other Google services anywhere in the world. The absence of Google Play Store including all other Google Apps and Google Service would be a major drawback to any potential buyers.

Companies on the U.S. Commerce Department’s blacklist will not be allowed to do business with the leading tech companies like Google, Qualcomm, Intel, and NVIDIA etc.


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