How Do I Know The Source Code Of Any Webpage

How Do I Know The Source Code Of Any Webpage - techinfoBiT

This post is mainly for those who know the basic HTML, and how a webpage and website work. With the help of this trick, you can see the HTML code or frontend code of websites and web pages.

If you are working on some project and wanted to use some specific feature from a website then you may also copy and paste the HTML, CSS codes to your project using this method or at least you will be able to see how that website has implemented the specific feature.

How Do I Know The Source Code Of Any Webpage

This feature is available or coming by default with almost every browser you don’t have to do any extra installation to enable this feature in your browser.

To see the frontend source code or HTML code of a webpage follow the following very easy steps:

>>>> Open desired website/webpage

>>>> Right Click any where on the page

>>>> Click on View Page Source

How Do I Know The Source Code Of Any Webpage - techinfoBiTYou will see all HTML code of webpage in new pop-up window something like shown below..

How Do I Know The Source Code Of Any Webpage - techinfoBiT

Now if you know the basic HTML you can understand a lot from the source code of the webpage.


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