How to Share Facebook Photos with Non-Facebookers

How to Share Facebook Photos with Non-Facebookers - techinfoBiT

Facebook is the social media giant now and if you look at the number of users, the website has already crossed a billion users, but still, you can find someone who not using the facebook yet. This post is about sharing the photos and media file to those people who are not having the facebook account yet.

There is a tool called Primadesk which provides an option to share your Facebook photos with those who are not Facebook users, but still, the recipient should have the valid and working email address to see the facebook photos. Basically, you can send them a link via email and you will also have this option customize the permission like if you want them to download the attachments or not.

The service works with other online accounts as well, such as Picasa (and through it, Google+), Flickr and Dropbox, to name a few.

How to Share Facebook Photos with Non-Facebookers?

Primedesk is a freemium application after you sign up for a free Primadesk account you will have to log-in with your Facebook credentials, after login with the Facebook on Primadesk, the application will sync all your Facebook and presents a list of thumbnails from there you select the photos you want and click the “share” button to pass them along to any e-mail address.

When you are sending the e-mail, you have the option to secure photos with a password, here you can set the password which you can share later after making sure that you mail has reached to the right recipient. You can also cut off access to the photos after one day or one week, and get a notification when the recipient has viewed them.

When you sign into Primadesk, it tells you that you need to install an add-on for your browser. This is actually not true–the add-on just enables a couple extra features–so the “need to install” warning seems like a scummy move. Primadesk also can’t list Facebook friends who don’t allow third-party apps, and so it can’t show any of their tagged photos of you. That’s not Primadesk’s fault, but there’s no explanation of this issue on the website, which could lead to confusion when photos don’t show up. (I had to contact the company for clarification.)

How to Share Facebook Photos with Non-Facebookers - techinfoBiT

As for the shared link pages, I wish they had more features, such as the ability to download all files with one click or view them in a slideshow format without downloading.

At the moment, there are no limits on photo sharing for free accounts, but eventually, Primadesk will limit free sharing to 30 files per month, with a maximum file size of 10 MB each. Pro users who pay $5 per month can share 100 files of up to 50 MB each per month, and Premium users who pay $10 per month have no sharing restrictions. If you want to back up any of your social network photos to Primadesk’s cloud storage service, you can store 1 GB free. Pro accounts get 10 GB of storage space; Premium accounts get 30 GB.

Primadesk can clearly make use of some changes and feature improvements to run more smoothly. I hope Primadesk make the improvements and changes to make itself an indispensable tool for friends of people who aren’t on Facebook.



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