Improve Your Browsing Experience With Google

Improve Your Browsing Experience With Google Google Search Tips - techinfoBiT
Image: Google

I would like to share some cool tricks to make Google search more useful and convenient…!!

Google is the best search engine and most used search engine in the world, you can find anything with Google search even when you typed the wrong keyword combinations for the desired search query. But these basic tricks could make your Googling experience more interesting and easy, you will get your exact desired result on the top of the search result.

Try these tricks…!!

  • To know the present actual time of any place just type “time place(name of a place)” hit enter.
  • To search the meaning of any words just type “define word (any words)”. Example to search the meaning of kind ->  define kind  >> hit enter.
  • To convert distance write “convert amount 1st unit IN 2nd unit. Example to convert 1 meter in centimeter -> convert 1m in cm  >> hit enter.
  • Same for convert temperature units
  • To convert currency type convert 1st amount (with first currency name)   IN destination currency. Example to convert 01 USD in Indian rupees -> convert 01USDin INR>> press enter.
  • If you want to search any content on some specific website, suppose you want to search a song or movie on
  • Just type “Ra One Songs”. the first result will be your desired search.
  • To Site: Search type “” it will search within the entered website.
  • To search for something on Wikipedia. for example, you want to read about Obama on  Wikipedia just type “Obama wiki”

Basically, its all about asking questions to Google, you are asking questions to Google and Google is smart enough to understand and give the desired result to your questions. Enjoy searching Google. If anyone has more trick on this topic please leave below in the comment section.


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