Google Has Added Some New Features to Google Drive | New Features of Google Drive

Google Has Added Some New Features to Google Drive | New Features of Google Drive
Image Source: Google Blog

I like storing my post’s draft and other Blog related data on Google drive, There are lots of people like me who also using Google’s tools to make their data and work more portable & easy to access. Google has added a few new features to Google drive which are small though useful update.

With the new update, Google has made adding and organizing files into a folder on Drive more easier, which can be handy if you have a large number of documents and need a quick way to sort through them.

Now you will have the ability to drag and drop files into folders directly from search. This makes it more convenient to move files regardless of where they’re saved, whether that be in My Drive or another folder within Google Drive.

There are two more new features of Google Drive, one is about a faster way of adding content to My Drive. If you are previewing files, there you will find a new button that allows you to save that document or photo straight to My Drive.

And the second one is, if you’re already browsing through files in Drive, a “Move” icon should appear in the toolbar so that you can transfer files to different folders right away. It cuts out the step of having to press right click or to press the menu button, which looks like three dots stacked on top of one another, to access the “Move” option.



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