How To Optimize Website Speed/Know WebPage Speed Score.


This How-To post is mainly for those who are learning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and anyone else who just started the website and optimizing a website to improve the webpage load time. In this post, I am going to mention some really useful tool that you can use to optimize your existing website and make your website load faster.

Page Speed By Google

Page Speed is an open-source project started at Google to help developers optimize their web pages by applying web performance best practices. Page Speed started as an open-source browser extension for Mozilla Firefox and chrome.

Uses Of Page Speed By Google

  • You can get the suggestion to improve the webpage speed, detailed data about the existing website performance.
  • It helps you improve the site performance and reduce the bandwidth and hosting costs and improve the web.
  • It will provide the compressed version of images on the specific pages you testing, you can replace the existing images on your site with these images to improve the loading speed of the web pages.

Google PageSpeed Insights is available in different forms like online browser extension and widget on your site.

  • The PageSpeed for browser – Google Page Speed Insight is available as an extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox which allows you to get the live performance info of any web pages you browsing and also some really useful suggestions to improve them.
  • PageSpeed Insights Online is a web-based tool with similar features and potential. It allows users to analyze web pages any time, in any browser, without downloading any extensions. It also has a useful extra feature which is PageSpeed Mobile analysis, which lets developers analyze their site as viewed by a mobile browser, and get suggestions specific to mobile optimization.

How Google PageSpeed Insights Works-

The Google PageSpeed Insights extensions and PageSpeed Online run performance tests based on a set of best practices known to reduce page load time by following the algorithm of the internet giant Google.

mod_pagespeed and ngx_pagespeed are the web-server modules that optimize your site automatically.

mod_pagespeed for Apache web-server and ngx_pagespeed for Nginx web-server; it fetches content from your servers, rewrites by applying web performance best practices and serves it to end users via Google’s servers across the globe.

PageSpeed Download:-

Reduce the time it takes to load your web pages and keep internet users engaged with your site.

Reduce your bandwidth and hosting costs and improve the web.

Install In Mozilla Firefox:-

1. Download and install Firebug.

>>>   For additional information and detailed documentation please see the Firebug Wiki.

2. Download and install Google Page Speed.

>>>> For additional information and detailed documentation please review the Google Page Speed User Guide or post to Webmaster Central.


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