How to Search Google Drive Data from Chrome’s Address Bar

How to Search Google Drive Data from Chrome’s Address Bar - techinfoBiT

If you are a die-hard Google Drive user then you probably already knowing the options available to synchronize data with your desktop and mobile devices. That does not make searching the contents stored in the cloud any easier though, as you still need to go to the Google Drive website to do so or use local search options to find files locally.

OmniDrive is another cool extension I have been using with Google Chrome the extension adds searching capabilities right to the browser’s address bar. To use the feature, you simply enter drive followed by a tap on the tab-key in the browser’s address bar. This switches to a search powered by the extension that looks on Google Drive to find files matching the string you enter.

Related Article: How to Send Your Gmail Attachments to Google Drive

The extension supports basic strings, e.g. the full or partial file name of a document you are looking for or file extensions, but also some of the advanced parameters that Google has made available, which are as follows:

  1. Type: to the only search for specific types of files including document, presentation, image, video or pdf
  2. Title: to find documents by title instead of the file name
  3. – to exclude items from the search results.

The installation of this extension is as simple as any other Chrome Extension, you just need to go the Chrome Store search for the extension and click on “Add to Chrome” and installation will start. After the installation, it will ask you to connect with your Google Drive so you may have to enter the Google Account credentials to start using the tool.

Related Article: Google Has Added Some New Features To Google Drive


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