How to Create Sitemap.xml and Submit Sitmap.xml to Search Engines

How to Create Sitemap.xml and Submit Sitmap.xml to Search Engines - techinfoBiT

The Sitemap is an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages, posts, and contents on their sites which wanted to get crawled by the search engines. A Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL; information like when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relevance with other URLs on the site so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the website.

There are many tools available which will create a sitemap automatically for your blog/website which you can find all of these on google’s website by clicking here

Click below to learn more about how to create sitemap.xml

Some website which may help you create the sitemap online:

If you are using WordPress for your blog then you don’t have to worry about anything, there are many plug-ins available for WordPress user just; all you need to do is install the plugin and activate the plugin to create the sitemap easily. But the best and recommended plug-in is the Google (XML) Sitemaps Generator for WordPress.

You must upload the sitemap.xml on your home directory so that it can be accessed as

Click Here to know more about how to submit sitemap to google webmaster tools.

Click Here to learn more about sitemap.

Process for submitting a sitemap to Bing and all others are same as Google.

One more excellent way to submit sitemap is given below. Copy and paste below link in your browser and replace yourdomain with your domain name or whatever your domain name.

Bing & Yahoo




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